Effects of tsunamis: Positive, Negative, Examples

Positive and effects of tsunamis written in white box on background of high tsunami waves looming on small brown cities

Effects of tsunamis can be both positive and negative. The word tsunami typically rhymes with fear. And for good reason. Giant tsunami waves can elevate from the ocean without warning and wash away everything along their paths. Yet, as catastrophic as tsunamis can be, Read More

Tsunamis Explained: Types, Causes and Examples

Tsunamis explained: types, causes and examples' written in white bordered box centered on picture of high waves in the background

Tsunamis are natural events that are highly underrated. Generally, they occur due to various reasons like earthquakes. These hazards can be quite devastating as they can have repercussions far from the coastline. In fact, it was the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami event that raised Read More